John Doe
User Experience Design Fundamentals
2024-10-31 23:00
[{"key": "about", "kind": "md", "label": "About This Certificate", "value": "This demo certificate shows the kind of certificates Momenial can issue for your customers. Check [https://🎓.id/SAMPLE](https://🎓.id/SAMPLE) for another sample (yes, the link uses emoji!).\n\nHead over to [Momenial](https://momenial.com) now to start creating certificates for your customers, for FREE!"}, {"key": "meta", "kind": "md", "label": "About Metadata", "value": "Metadata is additional data you attach to a certificate in key-value pairs. The value can be Markdown text with **rich text** formatting 😍, pictures (_tap to zoom!_) or documents. Scroll down to see some samples."}, {"key": "foo", "kind": "md", "label": "Samples", "value": "# Header\nSome **bold** and _italic_ text.\nNew line.\n| Date | Domain name |\n| - | - |\n| 2020-01-01 | cert.fyi |\n| 2021-01-01 | cert.study |"}, {"key": "logo", "kind": "media", "label": "Logo", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/unicorn.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}, {"key": "img-0", "kind": "media", "label": "Brochures", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/0.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}, {"key": "img-1", "kind": "media", "label": "", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/1.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}, {"key": "img-2", "kind": "media", "label": "", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/2.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}, {"key": "img-3", "kind": "media", "label": "", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/3.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}, {"key": "img-4", "kind": "media", "label": "", "value": {"url": "https://m.cert.fyi/z/4.webp", "kind": "WEBP"}}]
Unduh Sertifikat
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Kualitas bagus untuk dibagikan di dunia maya.
Kualitas terbaik untuk dibagikan di dunia maya dan dicetak.
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